Prepare Your Students!
The KenKen International Championship is a great way for students of all ages to engage in math and creative problem solving, develop logical reasoning, increase their self-confidence and perseverance, and interact with children just like them from other countries.
We encourage all teachers to prepare their students for this unique, life-changing international math puzzle competition. It's exciting, it's fun, but most of all, it's educational!
Why do educators love KenKen?
KenKen is the world's fastest growing, most enjoyable, and most addictive logic and math puzzle for adults, is recognized as a top teaching tool by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and is used in classrooms by over 30,000 teachers worldwide. Not only is it exciting and fun, but it provides the following benefits for everyone...

Each KenKen provides its own challenge, which teaches kids and adults alike to enjoy the process of challenging their brain. Solving KenKens enables puzzlers to become more confident in their ability to work through problems of all kinds.

Calculation Skills &
Algebraic Thinking
In order to solve a KenKen, each puzzler must perform arithmetic operations through mental math. The act of solving enables students and adults to become more confident in their ability to make mental calculations and make them more proficient in arithmetic skills.

Cognitive Skills &
Critical Thinking
This KenKen competition will encourage mathematicans of all levels to think critically and evaluate options. KenKens challenge the brain's cognitive skills through the acute focus, reasoning and visual processing needed to succeed!

Problem Solving &
Logical Thinking
The process of solving a KenKen puzzle enhances one's ability to solve problems because it teaches puzzlers to logically assess all options and work through the problem in an efficient manner. This competition will test the solvers' accuracy and speed in completing KenKens.
Make Friends From Across the World
At the competition, there will be plenty of smart, motivated, KenKen-loving puzzlers like you! The competition will be a great opportunity to meet new friends, from India to Indiana!
Deduction &
Reasoning Skills
There are many different approaches to solve any given KenKen puzzle. Through practice, puzzlers learn the arts of deduction and reason.

Power of Observation​
While completing KenKens, solvers use the power of observation to catch mistakes and determine which part of the puzzle is the right place to start. KenKen also encourages players to concentrate and remain focused.

​At some point, all puzzlers will have trouble with a KenKen. The simple act of "sticking with it" until you find the solution encourages perseverance and develops confidence in your ability to conquer any problem.
Past Tournament Sample Puzzles

Trying past years' tournament puzzles is a great way to practice and determine your students' skill levels. Download the puzzles below that were actually used in previous year's adult competitions to see how prepared your students are. While the student competition puzzles will vary and will be a bit less challenging, these real examples will provide good practice.
Sample Puzzles from 2015 Tournament: Round 1 (15 min) (PDF)
Sample Puzzles from 2015 Tournament: Round 2 (18 min) (PDF)
Sample Puzzles from 2015 Tournament : Round 3 (20 min) (PDF)
Sample Puzzle from 2015 Tournament : Championship (PDF)
KenKen's Best Selling Books To Practice!
Mix and Match KenKen
160 3x3 to 6x6 Easy to Hard level KenKen puzzles to improve your solving time and skills. Are you ready?
KenKen: 4x4 Puzzles Only
200 4x4 (and some 5x5s) KenKen puzzles to get you warmed up!
Stressless KenKen
200 mind-stimulating KenKen puzzles, from 4x4 to 6x6, of varying difficulty levels. Great to practice for the preliminary rounds.
KenKen Strategies
Basic to advanced solving techniques to become a skilled player
Practice Unlimited Puzzles on

Your students (and you!) can practice every day (or simply play for fun) on! Unlimited KenKen puzzles are available all day, every day absolutely FREE! Select your favorite size, difficulty level and combination of operations -- it's completely up to you.
As they say on the hallowed walls of Harvard University's library, "Even at this very moment your competitors keep studying" should be too!
To be the best KenKen'er that you can be...start practicing today.