This year's 2024 KenKen International Championship will be ALL-DIGITAL, using exciting state of the art technology, for International Students only!
Thank you for being a loyal KenKen fan!
(Please refer to our INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS section below from your country to register for this year's KenKen Championship)

Grab the title!

KenKen makes math fun and engaging for all ages
What is the KenKen International Championship?
Each year, the KenKen® Puzzle Company sponsors a tournament that brings together the best KenKen players from around the globe to compete for the title of International KenKen Champion! This year we have moved the championship to an online, all-digital format. We have also decided to make it EXCLUSIVELY FOR STUDENTS this year...the adults will just have to wait until next year!
Student contestants from around the world will compete in three divisions - Delta, Kappa and Sigma - based on age, with an international student champion crowned in each group and one overall Champion of Champions prize given to the overall winner.
International Partners

United Arab Emirates: Rootstalk Academy
Rootstalk Academy is one of the leading education companies in Dubai. Its goal is to provide a high-quality education for its students and make learning a passion, not just a necessity. Rootstalk has facilitated a nationwide KenKen tournament in the UAE since 2015 and and will be organizing the ALL-DIGITAL KIC2024 International Round in 2024. To register or learn more about this year's Championship, please contact them at:
Egypt: UCMAS Egypt
UCMAS Mental Math Program is a unique childhood educational program designed to develop cognitive acuity and memory skills during students's formative years. Founded in 1993, UCMAS promotes a variety of learning abilities through the instruction of outstanding feats of mental calculation.
Interested participants from Egypt may contact UCMAS Egypt at:
HOTLINE: 16145
India: Omnisoft Technologies PVT. LTD.
Omnisoft Technologies PVT. LTD. is the exclusive and official partner for KenKen International Championship in India. With their head office in Vadodara Gujarat, they have branched out in all 15 states to conduct KenKen school level exams
KenKen India

KenKen Australia
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Event Supporters